Miami Web Design Services | Web Design Miami FL 
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Mobile friendly sites with our Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design allows the browser to determine the best way to deliver content on any given device based on the dimensions of the device. From a smartphone to a smart TV,  responsive design is the best way to make sure your website is accessible in today’s world.

Major search engine companies such as Google and Bing recommend the websites be built using responsive web design to account for a global surge in mobile traffic. In today’s technological world, it is important for the audience to access the website from all devices, whether it is a tablet, smartphone or desktop computer.


Benefits of Responsive Design

As of January 2014, 58% of American adults have a smartphone, and use their phone to access the internet (Pew)

Automatically adjusts display for desktops, notebooks, tablets and smartphones

Consolidates web traffic for better SEO results on one responsive website

Provide broader access to your content across all mobile platforms

Ready to take your business to the next level?
Telx Web provides a full suite of digital solutions including custom development and responsive web design in Miami.